Thursday, October 3, 2013

Free Printable Thanksgiving Cards

free printable Thanksgiving cards
Free Printable Cards to Send for Thanksgiving
Should we really only send cards on Christmas, Valentine's Day and birthdays? There are so many more holidays to celebrate throughout the year, and one of the best yet most under-appreciated is Thanksgiving Day. We typically associate the holiday with gluttony -- lots of delicious, rich food and drinks and stuffing ourselves silly. It's about so much more, though. It's the day that we're supposed to give thanks for everything that we have. And if you're like many families in America, you have quite a lot, especially when compared to those in undeveloped nations. It's not a day to feel guilty for what you have though, but merely a day that you should stop, pause and reflect on all the blessings you have in your life. That's truly something to be thankful for! You can find many different Thanksgiving cards to send in the free printable cards section at Go take a look! You're sure to find some that you love.

Colorful Free Printable Thanksgiving Cards
November is a beautiful time of year, isn't it? There's a chill in the air, falling leaves and the bright, vibrant colors that nature blesses us with right before the winter comes and the trees are left bare. It's a cycle that we're all familiar with, yet I'm in awe of it every year when I see trees full of bright red, blazing orange, beautiful brown and delightfully yellow leaves. October is my favorite month, but November is a close second. These chilly days are perfect days for spending with family. You can gather round at Thanksgiving, of course, but family should be celebrated all year round. Use the free printable Thanksgiving cards to send greetings to your family and friends at the beginning of November to let them know you think of them all month long.

Falling Leaves Thanksgiving Card
My personal favorite at is this falling leaves Thanksgiving card. It features a tree with beautiful falling leaves and the simple phrase, "Happy Thanksgiving." I like the card exactly for its simplicity. I also enjoy the cards there because you are require to write your own personal messages inside. These aren't like cards that you buy at the store and simply sign your name to with no thought at all. No, these are designed to be personal notes that you share with your family and friends. Put a little heart into your messages. Since we're supposed to be thankful and grateful during the month of November, share with that person five reasons that you're thankful to have them in your life. It will certainly put a smile on the recipient's face, and you never know when someone really needs that smile. If you can't get to the post office, personalize and save it to your computer to send via email. Either way, it's a nice way to say, "I'm thinking of you."